Happyologist Jackie Ruka

Apr 28, 20223 min

The Secret to Getting What you Want!

Be An......


Okay, so what does that mean, really?
It means to get what you want in your life, relationships, income level , it's about MATCHING your inner game with your outer game.


Think about your ideal outcome. Do you FEEL your inner game from the inside out? Are you saying YES to what you truly want?

Here is the secret tool or trick to MATCH your inner game to your outer game and outcome. Where you will instantly drop your fears, gain instant clarity on a very specific intention and become the MAGNET.


You must put on your PURPOSE HAT.

Case Study: Here is an example of a story of a client, named Dennis, where we went from imagining wearing his purpose hat to actually naming it and creating it into reality.

Back story: Dennis had to dissolve a business he was in with a partner where things went awry. He was struggling with what do next and how he could capitalize on his strengths, talent and experience. He was stuck. Dennis started writing a book related to clients he had served in the past. However, he was unclear what to do next and how to make it into his purpose and mission.

I coached Dennis on wearing his purpose hat. The hat was namely, " Best Selling Author" hat. Dennis became so clear on what that looked like, felt like and saw the outcome that we re-engineered his outcome and he is now not only a best-selling Author but an International best selling author in 3 categories. This happened in 3 months time! Dennis is now the expert in his field and has partnered with Shark Tank and entrepreneurial experts in his field and attracting his ideal readers and clients!


There is a simple way to make your dreams come alive and it does not include self-doubt, fear or "some day I will".

What I am teaching you is effectively simple and it works! But, don't take my word for it, according to Entrepreneur Magazine, neuroscience teaches our brains how to reach success, where a happy mind is one that is not wandering. Studies have shown, that a happy mind is one that is focused on what they are doing, even if it's washing dishes. Focus + behavior = Success . This particular hack is a neuroscience, known as our reticular activating system, it's marrying our unconscious thoughts to our conscious awareness. The trick is to set an intention and have your whole self immersed to what feels good. When you are focused and aware your energy and vibration goes way up! For example, you may desire a goal of a new car, you visualize the exact make, model, color and year of the car you want. Soon, all you see is that particular car. Our minds prefer the positive path , not one where there are obstacles and confusion, hence the RAS system blocks out the white noise. Once you learn to utilize this in your favor, success becomes much more achievable. As they say, what you focus upon expands.

Here's the deal, my client's tell me again and again is that" the key to their success was that they did exactly what Jackie told me, in the exact order and it worked."
It's simple, so pay attention.

When you enroll in what I teach you are about to learn:

- The subconscious critical mind shifts you will need to make before inviting in your new life path.

- The whole brain posture that teaches you a neutral form of thinking about yourself with no judgement or limiting beliefs.

- A level of aligning the subconscious with the conscious mind to newly form your ultimate vision to have the quality of life you deserve and the income you truly desire.

- This method is highly effective for those who are committed to positive change and want results in their relationships, personal health, career and personal success.

When you apply what you will learn in either the Pivot, Profit Plan Accelerator: or the Next Level Coach system how it really is possible to thrive mentally, emotionally spiritually and financially.

If you are ready to accelerate your results, I would love to learn about your true hearts desires and make this your reality. If this is you, I invite you to a complimentary Clarity breakthrough 30 min. call with me.


For support, join the complimentary Thinking and Growing Rich Facebook Group or Pivot your Purpose Group.

Remember, don't wait to be great, be great NOW!

Got your back!
With love,

