5 Wisdom Tips on Life, Biz and the Pursuit of Happiness that you can do on a Regular Basis
When you look at the wealthiest, most successful business minds to date, they all seem to do one thing that lend to their success and happiness, which is the practice of getting out of the head and into the heart. From Oprah to Richard Branson, their mission, message and actions are all in harmony to an initial intent that stemmed from their personal identity, intuition and essence.
To think and grow rich one must take note from author Napoleon Hill “our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds.” Therefore, the best choices are those made consciously. But there comes a time where you have to decide if you are growing personally and fumbling professionally or vice versa? The only constant in life is change, and it is easy to get lost in the sea of “to do’s” and lose your essence along the way. Perhaps it’s time to re-sync and get back down to the business of your happiness.
Busyness is a Choice - You can choose what you want your work life to be, can it be stressful or playful? By placing meaning behind all that you do, keeps work interesting and inspiring. Meaningfulness in what you do is fulfilling. When you are fulfilled you are productive and when you are productive you are happier because your purpose in helping and serving others is wanted. People who are happy in what they do are 30% more productive according to a 2019 Gallup poll. How can you find meaningfulness in your business?
Tip: Stop doing things that don’t matter and start using your time to work on your dreams.
2. Ride One Horse – when one idea is structured and organized into a unique branding system, focused on the right customer in the right frequency, you are set up for success. By organizing now, you can set it and forget it and then move on to the next brilliant idea. You will feel much more powerful, accomplished and at peace knowing all systems are working on autopilot. As a result this lends to your freedom in structure, not just in work but also in your home, financial and personal life, as well.
Tip: Preserve your “me time” and family life for the weekends to nurture your precious happiness seed. Being successful when it costs personal sacrifice is an old paradigm and only leads to stress. Choose a business system that works for you and attract your ideal clients without the struggle.
3. Guiltless Autonomy – what we do and why we do it is far more important than hours worked. Discover ways to boost your mood and enhance your day when working those long hours or tough projects. Give yourself breathers that you look forward to, such as, a yummy lunch outdoors, yoga stretching to your favorite tunes for 15 minutes or a coffee break or two. Taking breathers acts as a restoration, reducing stressors and greater feelings of calm and well- being.
Tip: Map out your day the night before and tackle the tough stuff earlier in the day, this allows for the moments of autonomy to be appreciated. You will shine ever so brightly when you allow for mental, emotional and physical breaks throughout the workday.
4. Be Positive to Stay Powerful – stress seems more common than not in the 21st century. Naturally, it is how we respond to it that sets the course for long - term health and happiness. The happiest and most successful people have a morning ritual that sets the intention and feeling for the rest of the day. In other words, do you get up in the morning, thinking what can I create, versus what is stopping me? To prevent negativity from leaking into the psyche entails a proactive ritual to instantly snap yourself into positivity where you continue to move into creativity to stay powerful as soon as you rise in the morning. Rituals condition you toward pleasure or pain. If you are experiencing pain, it’s time to change your ritual. Perhaps visualization, gratitude prayer, a jump in the pool or hot shower is a form of a ritual that works for you?
Tip: A powerful ritual entails a physiological effect on the nervous system, such as exercise. Exercise not only stimulates the brain and nervous system, it increases endorphins, the feel good hormone, which is why you feel good after a workout. Lastly, write out positive declarations, even if they have not happened yet. Read them out loud everyday. The more you hear your positive declarations the more you believe them and the closer you are to becoming and achieving those declarations.
5. Marry Your Passion not Your Title – it is about the journey, not the destination. No matter if you are a CEO, doctor, therapist or life coach, being too connected to our titles eludes the passion we strived to accomplish, which is to ease the pain of those we serve through the practice of compassion. It is common to lose steam in your work, which can leak into other areas of your life. Being 80% of our time is spent on our business, making sure you remain creative and innovative; this keeps your inspiration and excitement high and releases the “musts”, “have to’s”, and “urgencies”. Can you keep the faith to attract what you expect? If you expect that you will not meet your sales goal, then you won’t. If you expect that doing business is hard, then it will be be hard. Which is why you must change your attitude to reach your dreams.
Tip: Elevate your faith and believe in unwavering expectation what is meant for you and feel passionate about it! Most great work evolves in the most unexpected manner. Why is that? Because you are a far greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be. This has nothing to do with relying on a title to define or confine you and has more to do with your essence, passion and power, where your dormant forces come alive. Thus, discouragement and ego does not exist when aligned with your passion. Remember why you started.
Meet Jackie Ruka, a Success Coach and Happyologist who teaches coaches, and service based business owners how to take your business to the next level utilizing a simple , proven, framework for more positivity, purpose and profits in your business and life! Set up your free Next Level Evaluation here.